A spiritual warrior who spends his days fighting to love like God loves. He fights himself and his self-lies, old beliefs, societal views, and other people’s perspectives of what they believe a man should or should not be. The name Marvello V was given to Pete Villanueva somewhere along his spiritual journey.
The Bible contains many characters whose names were changed by God. Here’s a few of them: Abram was renamed Abraham. Jacob was renamed Israel. And Saul was renamed Paul. Each of them took on a new identity once God entered their heart. It’s the same with Marvello V.
Marvello V considers his journey through life as a walk on The Path of Love. It’s a spiritual journey that requires a warrior mentality to learn, grow, and act in love. As with all martial arts, the highest goal is to join the mind, body, and spirit as one. It takes years and years of practice to master Oneness of mind, body, and spirit. It’s the same for spiritual warriors. We practice the tenets of the Bible to become love. WE BECOME LOVE. That is the true practice of the spiritual warrior.
Going further back in history, Pete Vboy was a drug addict, drug dealer, insurance scammer, thief, and a female abuser. He’s been held up in a drug deal gone bad; had the cops called on him for domestic violence; and has been arrested for driving under the influence. Pete Vboy’s life was out of control.
Then in the year 2001, a strong woman of Christ led Pete Vboy out of his mental chaos and onto The Path of Love. Through one-on-one counseling, prayer, fasting, and committing to 1-year sobriety from drugs and alcohol Pete’s life was changed. Within the 1st year of sobriety, Pete got a job promotion, married the love of his life, and started a college program to finish his degree.
After the 1st year clean and sober, Pete started studying the 7 Areas of Life and made it his life mission to study each area. Pete wanted to know how God influenced each area of our lives. He wasn’t satisfied with the answers he learned in Bible college or listening to sermons. He wanted to know on his own what it really meant to be a spiritual person.
In the year 2010, after over 9 years sobriety, Marvello V was born. That is when God planted the idea for Marvello V to write The Path of Love book. It was a 5 year project, because after 1 ½ years writing Marvello hit a point that caused some pain so he stopped writing. He was writing about his past and how much he hurt people. And he wasn’t mature enough to handle the emotions he experienced during the writing process.
A year or more passed and Marvello knew he had some work to do for the Lord. He wasn’t sure what he should do and the Lord reminded him to finish the book he started. Marvello recommitted himself to finish writing the draft. He knew some of what he would write would hurt him, but he decided to push through it. Over the next couple of years, in 2015 The Path of Love book was completed.
The Path of Love book didn’t sell hundreds or thousands. As a matter of fact, it probably hasn’t even reached the 10 books sold mark. But the book has been placed in the hands of many more people than who bought a book. If Marvello V were to share some of the book’s successes, they would be:
* Marvello’s mom read the book three times! Mom’s first read was denial. Her second read was enlightenment on how hard she was raising her kids. Her third read reminded her how much time she lost trying to raise perfect children instead of enjoying them as they were.
* The mother of Marvello’s grandson read the book and sat with Marvello asking questions about spirituality. She wanted to know if there was a way to save her relationship with Marvello’s son, the father of her baby.
* Recently, a young man who is a close friend of Marvello’s daughter finished reading the book. He asked Marvello how he can develop a close relationship with his dad.
Marvello V’s main objective in writing books is not sales. It’s touching hearts and transforming lives. He wants to help others find the answers they’re seeking, because there was a time Marvello was seeking. So many books along the path of love has helped Marvello become the person he is today.
Healed by the grace of God. Favored to be counted as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Blessed in mind, body, and spirit to do the work the Holy Spirit directs Marvello V to do.